Life GPS

Getting Back Into the Driver’s Seat of Your Life

Navigating through motherhood, womanhood and sisterhood can be as tricky as walking on a tightrope in stilettoes. On one hand, you’re balancing your responsibilities as a mother making sure you are doing your best job to raise well-adjusted children so they become compassionate, respectful law-abiding adults.

Motherhood& Womanhood

Always start with, ‘Who am I?’

Then there’s the part of feeling being your own identity. At school, I am known as either Isaac or Mitchell’s mum. Then, to be frank, most of my good friends I met through the school are known on my phone as either Charlie’s Mum – Jo or Aleksi’s Mum – Olga.

Your sense of self refers to your perception of the collection of characteristics that define you

At work we are all known by our name, then usually our job title to describe what we do, then our team to describe the content we are subject matter experts in and of course our employee ID so our computer lets us in to do our job!

For many women, there is something that gets missed between having our identities with the motherhood gig and the employment gig.

So how does one create their own identity and find their sense of self? It all comes down to the first step, ask yourself, ’Who Am I?’

I recently came across a great piece on that carefully unpacked steps to checking in with your own sense of self as well as the factors that influence this.

Great articles on Motherhood and Womanhood


Ain’t no hood like a sisterhood!

Sisterhood can be the most powerful connection you will ever form if it is based on the right foundations. Women understand each other.

So what is sisterhood by definition?

According to Dictionary, the definition of sisterhood is:

    1. the state of being a sister
    2. sisterly relationship
  1. a community or society of sisters especially: a society of women in a religious order
  2. the solidarity of women based on shared conditions, experiences, or concerns

Sisterhood.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,

The Women’s Club

In 1892, The Women’s College is established as the first residential college for women at an Australian University.

In 1901, on a mission to ‘fill some of the needs of intellectual and academic women’ at a time when they were still sidelined from public life, more than 100 women meet at The Women’s College on 9 October to found The Women’s Club which first opens in rented rooms in Rowe Street.

Steeped in history, The Women’s Club has been supporting women to achieve their ambitions for more than a hundred years. The Club moves with the times while honouring its traditions and the women who made possible the freedoms we take for granted today.

Events with prominent guest speakers remain highlights on the Club calendar and our Circles (a drawcard from the beginning), continue to cater to interests spanning the arts, architecture, social justice, technology and everything in between.

Once a meeting place for leading light organisations including the National Council of Women, Feminist Club and Women’s Civic League, The Women’s Club continues this tradition by hosting associations that support women.

The Women’s Club was founded by a group of women who refused to allow the restrictions placed on them to stand in the way of their determination to fully participate in public life.

For more information, please visit